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Name:           Edith

Nickname:    Lilith, Serpentine 

Origin:          Unknown

Orientation:  Fluid

Race:            Vampire



Traits:      Feisty, Excessive, Domineering, Bewitching, Manipulative, Lustful, Inquisitive

Quirks:    Vain, Habitual, Chews On Hair, Shallow, Hates Sleeping, Paranoid, Conceited

Interests: Travel, Reputation, Exchanging Info, Money

Feelings:  Engrossed, Devoted, Bored, Mean, Cold, Condemned

H O M O   |   W A M P Y R U S   |   S A U R I A 


These vampires are known as the "reptile" or "lizard" vampire. The reason being that they possess teeth that are sharply pointed and are similar to a large lizards'. Out of the four main types of vampires, these are among the most social. They can also withstand long periods of time in the sunlight even more so with the aid of sunglasses and sunscreen. 

Aside from their teeth, they appear very human. Most tend to be outgoing, commonly venturing into the business world (primarily males) and accumulating a substantial amount of money. The drawback is that these vampires are extremely vulnerable to depression and have the largest suicide rate than any other kind of night lurker.

Because of their social adeptness , it is a common misconception that these vampires have a soft side for humans. Quite the opposite. When feeding, they will rip large pieces of flesh from their unlucky victim (common places are; the thigh, upper arm or throat). The flesh is devoured and the blood drunk from the wound itself until the victim dies.

Rare in Europe, these vampires are more common in North America, Central America, South America and Australia. As well as having a bountiful population in China, Japan and portions of Russia.

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